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As part of our continued investment in our products and solutions, SHL are delighted to introduce TalentCentral+™.
TalentCentral+™ gives you access to SHL's latest products and innovations and provides a simpler, more efficient, way to make better talent decisions. 
With TalentCentral+™ you get:
  • Greater scalability and speed to grow with your business
  • Intuitive workflows with simplified journeys for project creation
  • Superior recruiter and participant experiences
  • Effortless next-level reporting providing real-time insights
If you would like to know more about upgrading to TalentCentral+™, please contact your Account Manager.

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Please note, for the purpose of this article, candidates will be referred to as 'participants'.
  • The TalentCentral+™ homepage displays a real-time dashboard that allows you to see all your participant's activities in one place, e.g., who has Not startedCompleted or are In progress, etc.
  • You can use the Filters at the top of the page to adjust the view, by User, and change the date range by changing the From and To dates before clicking to Apply filters
  • The dashboard will continue to update as your participants interact with their assigned assessments
  • If you are in another part of the system, and want to return to the dashboard, click on the company logo on the top left of the system
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your local Technical Support team by clicking on the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page. 

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Please note, this article may mention sections of the system that you do not have enabled, or that you do not have permission to view. If you would like to access these sections of your system, you will need to contact your Account Manager who can discuss your options with you. Alternatively, please skip any irrelevant sections of the article and move on to the next step. 
Please note, for the purpose of this article, candidates will be referred to as 'participants'.
  • You will only be able to use an Application form if this has been enabled for your TalentCentral+™ system at a company level - if this section has not been enabled, you will need to contact your Account Manager
  • When you create a new project, you will need to complete the Participant experience section where you can choose to use an Application form - if you don't wish to use one, you can toggle OFF this section
  • You will have the option to Use existing or Create New
  • If you choose to create a new form, you will need to give it a Form name
  • Any forms that you create will not only be saved on your existing project, but will appear in the Use existing drop-down list of future projects you set up
  • With Create New forms, you can select options from the Field name column that you want to add to your application form by ticking the box on the left
  • You can choose to Add custom field and choose how this new field will be shown to your participants, e.g., a Text boxDrop-downRadio button, etc.
  • Untick the Required box next to any fields that you don't want to be mandatory to fill in
  • The Application form will be shown to your participants after they have logged in to the system and accepted the Data Protection Notice (DPN)
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your local Technical Support team by clicking on the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page. 

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The number of assessments that you can set up on TalentCentral+™ will depend on how you have been set up to pay for using the system. For more information, you will need to contact your Account Manager. 
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your local Technical Support team by clicking on the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page. 

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For security reasons, you will need to reset your TalentCentral+™ password every 90 days. For the 5 days before the 90-day deadline, if you go to the TalentCentral+™ login screen you will see a Your password will expire message, which will show you how many days before your password expires. It will also provide a reset your password link. 
If you do not reset your password before the 90-day deadline expires, the next time you go to log in to TalentCentral+™, you will see a Your Password link has been expired message. You will need to use the Forgot your password? link on the TalentCentral+™ login screen to set a new password.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your local Technical Support team by clicking on the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page. 

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