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To add new users, click on the Welcome button in the top right corner of the screen and select Settings.

You will now be on the Account Summary page. Click on Users, and then Manage Users.

On this page, you will see a list of users who have been added to your system, the option to create new users and the User Role Details. The User Role Details option has information about the user levels available in TalentCentral™ and their permissions.

To add a new user, click on +New User and enter the required information, then click on Create. Selecting the box Send email notification will automatically notify the user that they have been created and provide them with a link to log in.

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The TalentCentral™ platform's regional Quick Start Guides are attached to this article. 

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Accessing candidates' results on the TalentCentral™ platform is quick and easy.

If you have marked your project as a favorite:
  • Go to your Homepage
  • Locate the project under Favorite Projects
  • Click on the View Results option in the bottom left corner
  • This will bring up all the candidates associated with the project including their results
  • Click on the arrow symbol to access an HTML version of your report that will open in your browser Alternatively, click on the Download button to save a copy of the report on your computer

If you haven't marked your project as a favorite:
  • Click on Review from the main menu bar
  • Click on Candidates
  • Search for your candidate or narrow down the number of candidates displayed by using the filters
  • Click on Project Results on the right hand side
  • This will bring up all the candidates associated with the project including their results
  • Click on the arrow symbol to access an HTML version of your report that will open in your browser. Alternatively, click on the Download button to save a copy of the report on your computer

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If you need to resend an invitation email to a candidate, click on Manage in the menu bar.

Select Candidate.
Search for the candidate's name or email address. Alternatively, use the Project Name filter to narrow down the number of candidates displayed.
On the right hand side under Actions, click on Manage candidate.
Select the candidate you wish to resend the invitation email to from the Manage Candidates menu options, click on Resend.

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In order to progress a candidate to the Verification stage, the candidate must first have completed the assessment. To check their status, go to your project page and select Manage Candidates. There will be a blue arrow next to the candidate’s name. Click on this to view the task status.

Once the candidate has completed the assessment, they can be invited to the Verification stage by clicking on the words Not Invited under the Status header. The option to Invite the candidate will appear.

Clicking on Invite will change the status from Not Invited to Not Started.

To start the Verification stage, click on Start Proctored or Start Now. You will be logged out of the system, and the candidate will need to log in with their own details to begin the test.

Please note that while you can progress a candidate to the Verification stage in advance, the candidate should be supervised on site when completing the verification assessment.

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To use those settings, please log in as a Company Admin or Company Super User.

Creating and editing Email Templates
  • Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen
  • Select Settings
  • Click on Candidate Experience
  • Click on Emails
  • Under the Email template section, select the relevant email you wish to adjust
  • Click on Add Email Template. The Create New Email Template box should appear at the bottom
  • Fill in Template Name
  • Choose the language (please note that if you wish to create templates in multiple languages, you will have to have the translations of the text ready)
  • Enter the Email Subject
  • Enter the custom text into the email field below and click on Save. Repeat those steps per language template you wish to customize
  • You can then set the new template as a default, which will show up for all projects
  • To use the new templates, click on +Create New and select Project. Go to the Emails section and select your template in the Assessment Invitation or Reminder dropdown
  • To edit an existing template, click on the Edit button to the right of the email template and adjust the email in the Edit Email Template section. Click on Save

Creating Email Aliases
  • In the Settings menu, click on Emails.
  • Under Email Name Aliases, click on +Add Alias.
  • In the pop-up window, enter the name and click on Save. You will then see the new Name Alias under the Name Aliases. You can select your default Alias for all projects created on the system.
  • If you would like the managers to be able to use this feature, please tick Allow free text entry when creating project.

Updating Email Settings
You can choose which project update and candidate notifications you would like to use as default for all projects created on the system. You can choose any of the following options:
  • Send notification to the project Creator
  • Send notification to all users who are assigned to the project
  • BCC project Creator
  • BCC all users who are assigned to the project
  • BCC the following email address
  • When you then create a new project, you will then see those options ticked as default

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For more information on setting up projects, please download the Quick Start Guide here.

You can manage and edit projects either from the menu bar or directly from any favourite projects that have been saved to your homepage.

Locating and Managing Existing Projects

To edit and/or add information to an existing project which is not listed as a favourite:
  1. Select Manage from the menu bar on the top of the page.
  2. Then select Project from the drop down:

  1. Locate your project from the list available or use the filters to search for a specific project.
  2. Click on the project name to select your project.

After a project has been published, you can:
  • Edit products.
  • Add additional users to the project.
  • Add or manage candidates.
  • Edit notifications, invitations and emails.

Adding Additional Products to Existing Project:

When you have located the existing project under the Manage section, and clicked on the project name, you will see the following overview:

  1. Click on the tab named “Products”
  2. When menu opens, click on the option “Select Manually”
  3. Search for the required assessment or report in this field and select when located
  4. Ensure you select the correct language and click on “Add”
  5. The system will now ask you to confirm, if you wish to add the report as a Core or Additional Product.

For most projects, the assessments and reports should be added as Core items so that they are available automatically. In some cases, you may wish to add additional assessments or reports for some of your candidates.

When you are creating the project, adding an assessment or report as an Additional item will mean that it is not immediately accessible, but can be activated later for the candidates that you choose. Any reports added after the project deadline has passed will automatically be added as Additional items as well.

Select the option that you wish to use (Core or Additional). You will now see the product on the right side of your screen, under the products tab.

Click on “Update Project” and wait till site has confirmed it’s updated.

The selected assessment/report has now been added.

Activating additional assessments and reports

In the screenshot below, the OPQ Universal Competency Report has been added as an additional item, as well as the verification tests for the Verify tests on the project.

To activate an Additional assessment or report, go to the project through the Manage > Projects menu option, open the project, and expand the Manage Candidates section.

Then locate the candidate for whom you want to activate the additional content and click on the blue arrow in a circle to the left of their name.

This will show the list of the candidate’s assessments and reports. Any additional items will show an Invite link next to the task. Clicking on the link will activate it.

If this is for an additional assessment, the candidate will then be emailed to let them know the assessment is available to them. If this is for a report where the candidate has already completed all their tasks, no email will be sent to them.

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You can manually invite your candidates to complete the remaining assessments by clicking on View Project Results on the project page and clicking the arrow next to the candidate. Click on Progress to activate the next stage.

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  • Create a project as you normally would, entering all the required fields. How do I create a project and send out a test using the TalentCentral™ platform?
  • In the Emails section, go to the Create New Email Template section.
  • Fill in Template Name
  • Choose the language (please note that if you wish to create templates in multiple languages, you will have to have the translations of the text ready)
  • Enter the Email Subject
  • Enter the custom text into the email field below and click on Save. Repeat those steps per language template you wish to customize.
  • Once the template is created, select the template name in the Assessment Invitation dropdown.
  • To preview the Email Template, click on the eye symbol to the right of the Assessment Invitation field. Click on Static Template Body to view the standard text candidates will receive, which includes the assessment information and support links. As the TalentCentral™ platform will auto-populate this template into the invitation email it cannot be modified. Click on Cancel once you finish previewing the Email Template.
  • The invitation email will be sent once you finish creating the project and click on Create Project.

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Follow the below steps to send out a test to a known candidate using the TalentCentral™ platform:

From the menu bar at the top of your screen select Create New and click on Project. The Basic Settings* area will be displayed.
Enter the required information. Only fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Candidates will not be able to complete their test after the deadline date has passed.

Click on Products*

Choose the Select Manually tab to add individual tests to the project.
There are search filters on the page to help you find a test.
Click on the test name under Search Results to view a description and, if applicable, specify the test level, language and comparison group.
Click on Add to add test to your project. You may be prompted to select related items, if applicable. Click on Done when you have made your choice.
Your Selected Products will be displayed on the right side of the page.

You can repeat this step until all your required products have been added to the project.

When you have finished selecting your products, click on Users*

Click on the name of the User Groups you want to add to the project.
Click on See Users to see who will have access to the project. Learn more about User Groups

You can search for existing users, who are not part of the User Group, on the right side and add them to the project by clicking on +Add when their name appears in the list.
Click on Candidates* to add the individuals you wish to assess.
Although it is possible to add thousands of candidates to the same project, it is not recommended as it can greatly increase the time it takes to carry out simple tasks, e.g. accessing the project, generating reports, etc.

Under Add individual candidates enter your candidate's title, first and last names and their email address.
Select the language you want for the email invitation.
Click on +Add.

Repeat this step until all your candidates have been added to the project.

The following steps are optional. If you wish to proceed without carrying out these steps, please refer to the Final steps section of the article to send out your test links:

Click on Notifications
Under Select the email notification preferences for this project, you can select the following options:

Send notification to the project Creator - if you would like to receive a notification when your candidate completes their assessments
Send notification to all users who are assigned to the project – if you would like all users to receive a notification when your candidate completes their assessment.

For projects that migrated from S2P, the assigned creator of that project is the Impersonate User. If you wish to receive the email as a project administrator you can edit the project in question in the Notification section. The notifications should be set to "send notifications to the project creator" AND "send notification to all users who are assigned to the project." This will allow all users in a user group to receive notification emails.

Under Select preferences for receiving BCC of emails sent to candidates, you can select the following options:

BCC project Creator – if you would like to receive a copy of all emails sent to your candidate
BCC all users who are assigned to the project – if you would like all users to receive a copy of all emails sent to your candidate
BCC the following email address – a new field will appear to the right where you can enter the specific email address and a copy of all emails sent to your candidate will also be sent to that address

Click on Emails

The Email alias selected will be TalentCentral, unless otherwise specified.
In the Assessment Invitation, select your email template from the dropdown. Invitation emails will be sent out when you create the project.
You can also set as many reminders as you would like. In the reminder 1, select your email template from the dropdown. Click on Reminder Date to choose a date on the calendar or click on Days before Project Deadline and enter the number. The latest reminder is the last one that can still be adjusted.

Under the Candidate messages section both standard system messages and messages created by a company super user will be displayed. Select the message you would like to be displayed to candidates at each stage of the assessment experience. To find out more information on how to create candidate messages please go to the What is candidate messaging and how can I use it in TalentCentral™? article.

Final steps

You can review the choices you have made for the whole project by looking at the section headers.
If you need to make changes to any of the sections click on the section header to expand it and make the necessary adjustments.

When you are satisfied that all the information in the project is correct, click on Create Project at the top or bottom of the project set-up page. Once you click on Create Project, the invitation emails are sent out to the named candidates on the project.

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There are two ways to set up a deadline date when creating a project. You can choose your preferred deadline date or you can set the days for completion after the candidate first registers on the system. Both can be done at project-level or candidate-level. 
Changing your chosen deadline date
Go to Basic Settings* and click on the current Deadline Date to change it, ​​​​then click on Update Project. This will change the deadline date for all candidates on the project.
Go to Manage Candidates* and click on the current Deadline Date to change it. You should get a green pop-up to tell you that the date has been updated and the candidate notified. This will only change the deadline date for the candidate you selected. If you want to change the date for multiple candidates, click on the box next to each candidate then the Change Deadline Date button above to update all of the deadlines at the same time. 
Changing the days for completion
Go to Basic Settings* and click on the current Days for Completion*, which will bring up a pop-up box where you can change the number of days. Click on the tick (check) to save the new number of days then click on Update Project. This will change the days for completion for all candidates on the project.
Go to Manage Candidates* and click on the current Deadline Date to change it. You should get a green pop-up to tell you that the date has been updated and the candidate notified. This will only change the deadline date for the candidate you selected. If you want to change the date for multiple candidates, click on the box next to each candidate then the Change Deadline Date button above to update all of the deadlines at the same time. 

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There is a feature in TalentCentral called Duplicate (or Duplication) Application Check. If it hasn’t been already, this will need to be turned on by SHL before a candidate can be tested again in the same project. Our Technical Support teams can help you request this. You can get in touch with your local Technical Support team by using the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page.
Once it has been turned on you will be able to add the candidate to the project again using their name and email address to create a new test link. Multiple Use links cannot be used to retest a candidate within the same project, which is why the candidate must be added to the project again individually.
When you click on Update Project you will get a message asking if you are sure you want to add the candidate again, which you will need to agree to. The candidate will need to use their existing credentials to log in.

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Supported Browsers
  • Google Chrome Version 100 and higher (Windows, Mac)
  • Mozilla Firefox Version 100 and higher (Windows, Mac)
  • Safari Version 11 and higher (Windows, Mac)
  • Microsoft Edge Version 100 and higher (Windows)

Supported display applets
  • Active Scripting (or JavaScript)
  • ActiveX Controls and Plug-ins
  • Java Runtime Environment (virtual machine)

Some test types require specific browsers:
  • Tests with audio work with all supported browsers
  • Non-simulation tests work with all supported browsers
  • Video Interview requires Google Chrome version 100+, Edge 100+, Safari 11+ and Mozilla 100+. Wireless earphones/microphone should not be used for the interview
Screen Resolution
  • Recommended width x height
  • Modern laptop (Windows) : 1366 x 768
  • Macbook : 1200 x 800
  • Desktop : 1366 x 768 or higher

*If the width of your screen is less than 768 pixels, the website will adapt to a tablet view
*If the width of your screen is less than 480 pixels, the website will adapt to a mobile view
*Zoom Level: For optimal experience you should set the value at 100%

Browser Security Settings
  • Recommended: Medium default-level security
Please follow the below steps if your company does not allow a medium default security level and you plan to administer tests that require the Authorware simulation player
1) Click on Tools (or press ALT+T)
2) Click on Internet Options
3) Click on the Custom level… button
4) Download signed ActiveX controls, Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins and Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting* should be set to Enable.

Browser and Session Cookies
  • Recommended: Enabled
1) Click on Tools (if you do not see the menu bar, press and release the ALT key)
2) Click on Options
3) Click on the Privacy tab
4) Under the History section, select Use Custom Settings for History from the drop-down menu
5) Make sure the box Accept Cookies From Sites is selected

Browser Temporary Internet Files Settings
  • Recommended: Disk space to use: 120 or greater

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