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How can I see my candidate results on TalentCentral+™?

Please note, this article may mention sections of the system that you do not have enabled, or that you do not have permission to view. If you would like to discuss these sections of your system, you will need to contact your Account Manager who can discuss your options with you. Alternatively, please skip any irrelevant sections of the article and move on to the next step.
Please note, for the purpose of this article, candidates will be referred to as 'participants'.
  • Log in to TalentCentral+™
  • In the top left menu, under Projects, click on View all projects
  • On the Projects page, you can customise your view of the page by clicking on Manage columns on the right and choosing whether you want to Save configuration for all users
  • Check that the drop-down at the top is set to Project then use the Filter and/or search bar at the top of the page to narrow your search
  • If you only have participant-specific information to search with, you can change the drop-down to Participant emailParticipant Id or SVAR ID, as applicable, then type your information into the search bar, which will bring up any projects that participant is in - Participant Id and SVAR IDs are 14 or 15-digit IDs allocated to a participant once they log in to take an assessment
Locating the results
  • Under Actions, click on Participant details next to the right project
  • The actions that are available to you on the Participants page will depend on your user role and the status of the participant
  • On this page, you can scroll down the list to find your participant(s), or you can use the Filter and/or the search bar at the top of the page to narrow your search
  • You can view the Assessment scores on-screen or download the results by ticking the box on the left, next to the name of the participant whose results you want, then clicking on Download PDF reports or Download participant data
  • If the report you have chosen on your project is available in more than one language, a pop-up will appear where you can select a Language before clicking on Download reports
  • You can bookmark participants by clicking on the ribbon icon on the left next to their name
  • Clicking on the three vertical dots under Actions will allow you to perform different actions depending on what stage of the assessment process the participant is in
  • For both participants who have not started their assessment(s), and those who have completed them, click on Copy participant link which, when pasted into a new browser tab, will open on the login screen of the assessment site
  • Click on Send reminder to trigger a reminder e-mail to any participants who have not completed one, or more, of their assessments, or who are partway through, using an e-mail template of your choosing or using the default Participant deadline reminder - if all assessments have been completed, this option will be greyed out
  • For participants who have completed their assessment(s), click on Duplicate participant, which will bring up a pop-up where you can choose to add the participant to the Current Project or Another Project and will allow you to Search assessments to assign to them
  • For participants who have completed their assessment(s), click on Download all reports to download their results
  • If the report you have chosen on your project is available in more than one language, a pop-up will appear where you can select a Language before clicking on Download reports
  • For participants who have not started their assessment(s), or who are partway through, you will have the option to Recall invitation, which will display a This link is not currently valid message to participants when they click on the Start now button in their invitation e-mail or try to proceed through their assessment
  • For participants who have not started their assessment(s), you will have the option to Reschedule their assessment(s) by making new selections on the Set deadline page
  • To perform actions for more than one participant, select them by clicking on the box on the left, next to their name, then click on the three vertical dots on the Bulk actions banner where you can choose to Bulk reschedule the assessments or Send reminder to all those you have ticked
Below, you will find answers to common problems regarding results.
Can't find my participant using their e-mail address
  • Please check that the e-mail address you are searching for is the same as the one used when setting up the assessment or that the participant entered on the application page when taking the assessment
Participant has completed the assessment but their status says 'In progress'
  • This usually happens when the participant hasn't submitted the assessment correctly
  • This can be because the participant exited the assessment partway through or has violated the proctoring (supervision while the participant takes the assessment)
  • The assessment will be automatically submitted, and the status will show as 'Completed' in the next 4 hours
Unable to download the participant results file
  • Look for a pop-up blocker on the top right-hand side of the search bar when downloading the data
  • Click on the pop-up blocker and click Allow
  • The file should then download
Don't know where to check the banding for a participant
  • Locate your project then, under Actions, click on the Participant details
  • If you do not see the Score band column, you can customise your view of the page by clicking on Manage columns on the right and choosing it from the list
  • If the band is not showing, it could be that the participant has not started one, or more, assessments
  • You can download the participant results to check this
Can't find a participant's results on the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) 
  • After the assessment has been submitted, it can take up to 10 minutes for it to register on the system
  • If this amount of time has passed, and the participant's results are still not available, it could be that they did not submit an assessment correctly
  • It can take up to 4 hours for the assessment to be automatically submitted by the system, after which the results will be available
  • If the participant's result still does not appear, please contact Technical Support
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your local Technical Support team by clicking on the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page. 

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