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How do I set a deadline date for an assessment on TalentCentral+™?

Please note, this article may mention sections of the system that you do not have enabled, or that you do not have permission to view. If you would like to access these sections of your system, you will need to contact your Account Manager who can discuss your options with you. Alternatively, please skip any irrelevant sections of the article and move on to the next step.
Please note, for the purpose of this article, candidates will be referred to as 'participants'. 
You will need to choose your deadline when you add your participants to your project. This article assumes you have already created a project. If you have not yet created a project, and/or you want more information on how to add participants to an existing project, please refer to How do I set up my candidates to take assessments on TalentCentral+™?
Locating your project
  • Log in to TalentCentral+™
  • In the top left menu, under Projects, click on View all projects
  • On the Projects page, you can customise your view of the page by clicking on Manage columns on the right and choosing whether you want to Save this configuration for all users
  • Check that the drop-down at the top is set to Project then you can use the Filter and/or the search bar at the top of the page to narrow your search
Adding participants
  • Under Actions, click on Add participants next to the right project
  • Here, you can choose whether to Bulk uploadAdd individually or use a Multiple-use or Single-use link
  • Whichever method you use to add your participants, you will need to choose how you set your deadline from two choices - Fixed date or Fixed duration
  • For Fixed date, you can choose a Start date and Start time and an End date / Deadline and an End time
  • For Fixed duration, you can choose how many days your participants will have to complete their assessment(s) after they have registered on the system
  • Once you have made your choices in the Communications section, click on Save participant group, which will bring up a pop-up box where you can review all of your chosen options
  • Click on Save participant group
  • If you have used Bulk upload or Add individually, saving the participant group will trigger the invitation e-mail to your participants
  • If you have used Multiple-use or Single-use link(s), saving the participant group will trigger and e-mail to your chosen user(s) who can send the link(s) on to the participant(s)
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your local Technical Support team by clicking on the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page.

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