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Client Support

How do I use the Bulk Import feature for custom questions on the iAssess platform?

iAssess supports bulk question upload.
If you want to deliver your own questions to candidates, the authoring tool can help you to complete the synchronization work.

  • Go to Question Bank and then enter the Bulk Upload page.
  • Download the upload template from the first step of the instructions.
  • Following the example in the template, fill in the contents of each field, such as the question statement, category, score, language, etc.
  • Go back to the iAssess platform and press Upload.
  • Select the target template file and confirm, then press the Save and Next button.
  • On the landing page, the system will display all the question details you just entered/modified, and here you can choose to edit/delete or directly release target questions.
  • There are two options located at the bottom right.
    • Save as draft means the questions are saved and you can edit them whenever you want, but the draft questions can not be added into any modules, nor be delivered to candidates.
    • Save and Release means questions can be used for the next stage to assemble modules and assessments. However, you will no longer be able to modify them.

NOTE: The system features an alternative solution allowing you to change the content/settings of released questions. Using this feature you can copy questions, change the target contents, then release this duplication as a new question.

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