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Client Support

In the initial stage of cooperation, our customer experience manager will take the initiative to organize and invite you to participate in relevant product training. For subsequent training requirements, you can contact your CEM to confirm the time and delivery method.

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1. Unable to login to iAssess.
Please make sure you follow the below mentioned steps to login to our portal:
  • Use the URL -
  • Type the username provided to you (username is case sensitive)
  • Type the password  click on forgot password in case you don’t remember your password
  • Enter your email ID and the mail to generate the password will be triggered in your mailbox.
Additionally, make sure that the below mentioned URLs are whitelisted at your end. You can connect with you IT team to get this checked.
Frontend URL: 
Backend URL: 
2. Did not receive verification mail for iAssess.
Please make sure you follow the below mentioned steps to login to our portal:
  • Use the URL -
  • Type the username provided to you (username is case sensitive)
  • Type the password  click on forgot password in case you don’t remember your password
  • Enter your email ID and the mail to generate the password will be triggered in your mailbox.
3. Getting blank screen/ page not loading.
We hope that you are using the most updated version of google chrome/ mozilla firefox to launch the portal. Please clear the browser cache using ctrl+shift+delete and then try to login after a few minutes.

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The iAssess platform's user manual is attached to this article.

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The score push back could take up to 5-10 minutes depending on the type of module. It is also possible that the candidate did not submit the test correctly – in this particular case our system can take up to 4 hours to push the data. However, if the given instances are not applicable for you, please connect with your servicing manager.

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The subsequent triggers can take up to 5-10 minutes depending on the type of module. It is also possible that the candidate did not submit the test correctly – in this particular case our system can take up to 4 hours to be triggered from our end. However, if the given instances are not applicable for you, please connect with your servicing manager.

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I am not able to chat with the candidate
Hovering over the image of the candidate, you will be able to see a ‘chat’ icon. Please click on this icon to chat with the candidate.
I am not able to add a candidate to my list
Please refresh or re-login to your system. There must be a list of candidates on the right hand side bar and a ‘+’ sign will appear on hovering over the name of the candidates. You can also search for a candidate by using his/ her name/ email ID.
I can only see 9 candidates on the platform, how can I see the remaining ones?
Please scroll to the next page using the "next" option in the bottom of your screen. Only 9 candidates are displayed at once on the live proctoring platform.
I am not able to find a candidate
Make sure that you are using the correct Email address of the candidate. The email ID should be the one which is used while scheduling the test for the candidate.
How can I block a candidate? 
Hovering over the image of the candidate, you will be able to see a ‘lock’ icon. Please click on this icon to block the test of the candidate.
What do I do if the portal is hanging/the link is broken after adding 50 candidates?
This usually happens when the internet connectivity is not stable. We would recommend to reduce the candidate count to 35-40. It is necessary to have a smooth internet connectivity throughout the session.

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1. Microphone issue – cannot connect my microphone.
Case1: Unable to hear while using Microphone
Which Microphone selected on the ‘Permission’ screen?
  • If using system Microphone, you should select ‘Default’ from the drop down when asked by the system 
  • If using an External Microphone/Headset, then select that particular Microphone/Headset from the drop-down list. You should not select ‘Default’. If this is still not working, please use the windows sound recorder to ensure your microphone is working fine​​​​​​
Case2: Unable to hear your own Voice (Even after using External Microphone/Headset)
Please follow the below-mentioned steps to perform self-troubleshooting:
  • Refer to the voice recorder setting of your system and boost the microphone volume to the maximum
  • Restart the system once to ensure that the changes are reflecting on the system along with the browser
  • If the changes are reflecting, then please try to login to the test
In case the issue persists, please switch to some other browser preferably Mozilla Firefox. When you are prompted for allowing access to your Microphone, please select Microphone tagged with “High Definition Audio”. Do not use the default microphone from the dropdown.
In Case if you are unable to hear Voice even after following the troubleshooting steps, we would suggest to try and switch to a different system.
2. Webcam issue – cannot connect my webcam
Please check your webcam through the link provided here:
Screenshot showing popup menu for setting camera permission
If the webcam still does not work:
Please make sure that your Camera has permission on the site.
For this you have to go to site setting and give Camera  permission "Allow".

Graphical user interface, website

Description automatically generated
If message is unsuccessful:
The webcam is mandatory for the test. Kindly close the test browser without clicking quit/exit/submit option and clear the cache memory of browser and restart the browser and then try again.
You can also try using the Mozilla browser. If problem still persists, please switch to some another system with proper working webcam.    
3. Candidate has not joined the interview yet
We recommend you get in touch with the recruiter who has scheduled this interview for this request, if you have access to recruiter support, please call on the any of the numbers mentioned in the interview invite email and the concerned executive will get in touch with the candidate.
​​​​​​​4. Not able to see/ hear the candidate
Please suggest to the candidate to enable his/her microphone/webcam on the platform. You can suggest to the candidate to go through the demo of the platform using the ‘Quick tour’ on the top right hand side of the screen. You can also suggest to the candidate to click on the ‘device status’ option and check if the device is working fine.
5. Logged out due to technical glitch/ power failure
We advise you to wait for 2 minutes and then login back to the interview using the same link.
6. Candidate is not able to view the questions that are made visible
You can ask the candidate to click on the ‘Q’ option in the bottom middle of the screen in order to view the questions.
7. Candidate is not able to view the language selection option
The drop down to the languages in located on the top right hand side of the editor. You can suggest the candidate to go through the demo of the platform using the ‘Quick tour’ on the top right hand side of the screen.
8. Want to reschedule my interview to a later date and time
We recommend you get in touch with the recruiter who has scheduled the interview to get this rescheduled/cancelled, if you have accessed recruiter support please call on any of the numbers mentioned in the interview invite and the executive will reschedule the interview for you.
8. Want to reschedule my interview to a later date and time
We recommend you get in touch with the recruiter who has scheduled the interview to get this rescheduled/cancelled, if you have accessed recruiter support please call on any of the numbers mentioned in the interview invite and the executive will reschedule the interview for you.
9. Candidate is not able to execute the code
To execute the code, please ask the candidate to click on ‘run’ option on the top right hand side of the editor.
10. Question seems to be incorrect
Please reach out to the account manager or the servicing manager for this request, if you are not directly in touch with them please raise this to the recruiter who has scheduled this interview for you.
11. Unable to add my own questions
You can use the ‘Q’ option ib the bottom middle of the screen and then click on ‘add your own questions’. If this option is not visible to you, the functionality has not been enabled. Please reach out to your servicing manager to get this enabled/checked. If you are not directly in touch with the servicing manager, please raise this to the recruiter who has scheduled this interview for you.
12. Getting logged out of smart interview in every 2 minutes
We hope that you are using the most updated version of google chrome/ mozilla firefox to launch smart interview. Please clear your browser cache using ctrl+shift+delete and then re- try after two minutes. If it is still not working, please check if your internet connection is stable.

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1. Not able to see ‘strong consider/ not consider’ on iAssess.
This usually happens when the candidate has not attempted one or more modules. You can download the excel sheet or the PDF report of the candidate and cross check the same. 
2. Not able to search a candidate on the portal.
Make sure that you are using the correct email ID of the candidate to locate the candidate on the portal. The email ID should be the one the candidate has keyed in the registration page while taking the test.
3. Candidate has completed the test but the status is ‘in progress’ on the portal.
This happens when the candidate did not submit the test correctly. The candidate might have exited the test in between or have violated the proctoring. The test will get auto submitted and the status will be shown as completed in the next 4 hours.
4. Portal shows that the result file has been downloaded but can’t find that in the system.
Please look for a pop up blocker on the top right hand side of the search bar while downloading the data. Click on the pop up blocker and then ‘allow access’.  The data will be downloaded in your system.

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  • “Schedule now” option is disabled/ greyed out for single scheduling
Make sure that you are updating all the mandate fields i.e. email ID, username and password to schedule the test. Moreover, the password should be minimum 6 characters long and should be inclusive of upper case & lower case characters, numerical and special characters. If you are still not getting the option, please check if the tags are mandate, if yes, please fill in the details accordingly.
  • “Schedule Now” option disabled/greyed out in bulk scheduling
The file uploaded has some errors, it is recommended that you recheck the file uploaded and follow the template provided at the top of the excel, once the details are entered as per the template you can go ahead and schedule the tests.
  • Getting the error ‘test schedule details could not be saved’ on uploading the bulk file
This error occurs when the bulk file has duplicate entries. Please remove the duplicates using the using ID from the bulk files and the re- load the data.
  • Did not receive the downloaded file after bulk scheduling
Please look for a pop up blocker on the top right hand side of the search bar while downloading the data. Click on the pop up blocker and then ‘allow access’.  The data will be downloaded in your system.

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